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Selected Words from St. Angela Merici




Selected Words from St. Angela


~For you can see that natural mothers, even if they had a thousand sons and daughters, would have them wholly fixed in their hearts, all and each one separately. (Second Legacy)


~Love your dear daughters equally; and do not prefer one more than another, because they are all creatures of God. And you do not know what he wants to make of them. (Eighth Counsel)


~For you will achieve more with kindness and gentleness than with harshness and sharp rebukes. But charity, which directs everything to the honour of God and the good of souls, charity indeed teaches such discretion. (Second Counsel)


~My last word to you, by which I implore you even with my blood, is that you live in harmony, united together, all of one heart and one will. (Last Council)


~As for you, live and behave in such a way that your daughters may see in you a model. And what you want them to do, do it yourselves first. Or at least, do not then begin to practice yourselves, together with them? (Six Counsel)


~And if, according to times and circumstances, the need arises to make new rules or do something differently, do it prudently and with good advice. (Last Legacy)
