聖吳甦樂會創立於公元 只1535年11月25日、義大利的碧夏市(Brescia)。創始人聖女安琪梅芝(St. Angela Merici 1474~1540)出身農家,秉性和穆寬和,純樸聰慧,有堅強的基督信仰,加上多年深厚神修生活與人世的磨練,孕育出超人的智慧與慈愛。晚年結合社會賢達貴婦,創立聖吳甦樂會,培育有志少女,以聖化自己、家庭、轉移社會風氣為己任,開現代女子教育之先河。聖安琪的理想,在十六、七世紀,以法國為基地迅速傳佈歐洲各國。從原始的在俗獻身團體發展成為聖吳甦樂修會,更致力於教育青少年、兒童的工作,很受當時代的歡迎。十九世紀是修會對外擴展的時期,為適應時代需要,在各大洲開創現代模式的學校。1900年部份獨立會院集合成立羅馬聯合會(Roman Union of the Order of St. Ursula), 總會設於羅馬,會院分佈在36個國家。
聖吳甦樂羅馬聯合會總會 Ursulines of the Roman Union
In 1870 in Italy, the government began to confiscate Church properties. The monastery of Blois, , came to the aid of the monastery of Rome . Later, they helped once again, this time the monastery of Calvi dell"Umbria, founded by Rome . The Holy See gave approval for a canonical union of Blois-Rome-Calvi.
Then Leo XIII made known to the Ursulines of the world his desire to see them united under a general superior, resident in Rome . On 18th August 1900, Mother St Julien addressed a letter of invitation to all Ursuline communities. In response delegates from 71 houses met in Rome on 15th November 1900.
This was a new stage in the history of the Ursulines: the Roman Union of the Order of St Ursula began.
Over one hundred years later Ursulines of the Roman Union live and work in 36 different countries.