In 1922, the Roman Union of the Order of St. Ursula arrived in China for the first time. The Ursuline Sisters founded an orphanages, elementary school and a high school, in Shantou, Guangdong Province. In 1951, the Ursulines were forced to leave China. In 1958, they came to Taiwan and founded Stella Maris Girls’ High School and St. Joseph’s Primary School in Hualien. In 1966, Wenzao Ursuline Junior College of Modern Languages for girls was established in Kaohsiung, with the aim of enhancing language education for communication exchanges between cultures. In 1980, boys were admitted. In 1999, the Junior College was upgraded become Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages.
─Mother Felicia Pastoors
1964年Mother Felicia決議在台灣高雄興辦一所新學校後,向
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申露德修女 Mother Marie de Lourdes Simons
Founders of Wenzao
1. Mother Felicia Pastoors, OSU:
The fourth prioress General of the Roman Union of the Order of St. Ursula
In 1964, Mother Felicia decided to establish a school in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. She started to raise funds from the provinces of the Union all over the world, so that the Ursulines could successfully build the school. Mother Felicia also visited Kaohsiung in 1967 and paid much attention to the vision and future of the school.
2. Joseph Cheng, O.P.:
3.Mother Marie de Lourdes Simons, OSU:
Born in New York City, in the United States, Mother Marie de Lourdes Simons joined the Order in 1921. She came to Taiwan in 1965 and remained the superior of the regional group of Taiwan for six years. At the time she came to Taiwan, the establishment of Wenzao was still in the initial stage. Mother Marie de Lourdes Simons devoted herself and personally took care of every step of the school’s development. She became naturalized in 1971. Throughout her life, she dedicated herself to the cultivation of young students. All the teachers and students of Wenzao esteemed her.
Educational Tradition of the Ursulines
公元 1652 年在法國巴黎的聖吳甦樂會首次出版了 Reglements 闡明該會的教育精神,為適應時代潮流,最後一次修訂是在 1943 年的美國,雖然數次修訂,歷經數百年,但教育理想卻是一脈相承。
今日分佈全球的聖吳甦樂會,在組織上有全球性、地域性或教區性之別,但都能依地方需要,為不同年齡之兒童、青少年提供多元化之教育服務。所辦學校有幼稚園、小學、中學、大學不一, 皆本天主教教育理想,造福社會。其教育基本原則如下:
- 是人與天主合作的工作。
- 是為展現並完成天主在每人身上創造與聖化的工程。
- 是協助學生發揮潛能、完成美好自我的工作。
- 培育在智力、意志力及感情三方面均衡發展及整合的健全人格。
- 培育能對天主開放、對他人開放、對世界開放、關懷社會、服務人群的全人。
- 具有修養、學識、信仰深度能以生命傳遞生命的老師。
- 修女/老師要用默觀祈禱去準備自己──因為默觀與教育是一事的兩面。
- 由默觀中受之於主─生命之源的,在教育工作中給予學生。
- 以信仰為基礎的人文教育。
- 注重教育的品質而非數量。
- 強調師生共融,個別關懷。
- 教師/行政人員的角色:
The Founding Spirit and teaching philosophy of Wenzao was inherited from the educational tradition established by the Ursulines 400 years ago. Now, Ursulines spread communities throughout the world. The organizations may range from international, regional, to diocesan ones, but they are all committed to bringing diverse education to children and adolescents of different ages and from different regions. The preschools, primary schools, secondary schools and universities established by the Ursulines are based on Catholic educational philosophy and are dedicated to the benefit of society. Their basic principles of education are as follows:
The Ursulines as Educators........
Definitions of Education-
- Cooperation between educators and God.
- Manifestation and completion of God’s creation.
- Commitment to helping students to develop their better self.
Goals of Education-
- To develop sound personality and integrate intelligence with willpower and emotion.
- To cultivate holistic individuals who are open to God, others and the world, attentive to and willing to serve society.
Keys to Education-
- Morally, academically and religiously accomplished instructors pass on in-depth life experiences to others.
- Sisters/teachers should be prepared through contemplation since contemplation and education complement each other.
- The origin of life, communicated by God through contemplation pass on to students in education.
Methods for Education-
- Humanistic education based on religious beliefs.
- Concentration on educational quality instead of quantity.
- Emphases on harmonious interactions among students and teachers and attention to individual needs.
- Roles of teachers/administrative staf
- They are models for life.
- They work together with an emphasis on collaboration and participation.