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第十三任校長-陳美華教授 The 13th President-Prof. Chen, Mei-Hua (Margaret Chen, the Present President)

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  Prof. Margaret Mei-Hua Chen, the 13th President




















美國北卡州立阿帕拉契大學 教育博士


■ 2019/02~2023/01文藻外語大學校長
■ 2015/07~2016/06 文藻外語大學副校長
■ 2012/08~2014/07 大葉大學外語學院院長兼應用外語研究所所長兼國際語言中心主任(借調)
■ 2006/08~2011/07 文藻外語學院副校長
■ 2007/08~2010/07 文藻外語學院副校長兼外語文教學事業發展研究所所長
■ 2005/05~2009/07 文藻外語學院教務長兼英外語能力診斷輔導中心主任
■ 2005/05 建置英外語能力診斷輔導中心
■ 2004/08~2006/07 文藻外語學院教務長兼研發長
■ 2001/08~2006/07 文藻外語學院教務長
■ 1996/02~2001/07 文藻外語學院英文科/系主任
■ 1990/08~1993/07 文藻外語專科學校教務主任、文藻思源翻譯社主任
■ 1988/08~1989/07 文藻外語專科學校英文科副科主任


■ 2017年文藻外語大學105學年度專業典範教師
■ 2011年教育部邀請「建國百年技職教育專刊」技職傑出人才「人物篇」受訪人
■ 2009年獲選「2009年台北國際發明暨技術交易展覽會教育部館」教育部參展作品
■ 2009年教育部辦理「2009教育部技專校院技術研發成果發表記者會」作品優異獲選發表
■ 2009年中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會「榮譽會員」
■ 2009年文藻外語學院「97 學年度教學評量成績優異獎」
■ 2008年「台灣教育傳播暨科技學會2008 年學術研討會」一般組傑出論文獎
■ 2007年文藻外語學院「95 學年度教學評量成績優異獎」
■ 2007年中華民國私立教育事業協會「大智獎章」
■ 2006年文藻外語學院第十一屆「傑出校友」
■ 2005年行政院「二等服務獎章」
■ 2002年中華民國私立教育事業協會第十五屆「弘道獎」
■ 2001年國科會「專題研究計畫獎助金」
■ 2000年國科會「專題研究計畫獎助金」
■ 1996年國科會「甲種研究獎勵」
■ 1989年教育部專科學校首屆教學績優教師








    讓我引用美國現任總統Donald Trump 就職所講的那句話:“This is yourday: This is your celebration, And this, [Wenzao, is your school], “ So I invite everyone of you, to tremble with me so I won’t feel nervous in delivering my

speech, and I also invite you to trumpet with me for Wenzao, that we are launching a new page






    我承諾,大家的期待不會落空、聖安琪的理念我一定遵循、上主賜與的恩寵,必將開花結果。未來的四年裡,我們團隊會在歷任校長辛苦打下的基礎上,秉持「傳承精進」的信念,實踐We do ordinary things extraordinarily well~也就是「盡心盡力、出類拔萃」的誓言。而在未來四年的校務推動上,「整合、活化、創新」,則是我們提出的具體方向。


第一、 整合


    文藻的定位很清楚,我們是一所「國際化天主教外語大學」,這是50年來的一貫堅持。從專科到大學、從外語專業到跨域整合是當前文藻的現況。從穩定招生到大學林立、從學術專精到產學接軌、從網路科技到人工AI 智慧,面對環境的動態變化,也許我們不能一直處於見招拆招的被動和治標。可能的話,我期許攜手每一個學院系所、每一位行政同仁,還有每一位師生、校友和伙伴,一起來打造結合外語教學、人文關懷、科技應用、在地服務、強調國際合作與行動力的學習和服務模式,讓文藻成為亞洲在外語實用人才和師資培育的標竿大學,用一種更有責任感的態度,為我們的國家、為高雄市,在外語專業的雙語教師、跨文化溝通、及文化與語言管理人才的培育志業上奉獻心力。



第二、 活化


    請容許我再一次提醒大家,文藻教育的核心價值是吳甦樂修會揭櫫的LifeLanguageLeadership,它是LLL,不是LKK。我們以生命和靈性教育,全面性地陪伴和關懷學生的身心靈發展;以語言和專業教育,培養學生的中西文化底蘊,成為跨文化交流的窗口;但更重要的是,我們堅信吳甦樂教育SERVIAM 的理念,也就是「透過服務奉獻才能培養出真正的領導者」。所以,我邀請在場每一位師生和伙伴一起思考:用了五十年的教材,可以作出什麼樣的改變?從事了半輩子的教育工作,可以開創出什麼樣跨領域的可能性?象牙塔待久了,我們是否有更多機會與在地社區和國際產業、與非營利組織和弱勢團體有更多有效的連結?這些不僅能活化文藻師生在課程、實習、就業的教學和服務模式,更是我們實踐文藻大學社會責任的具體行動方針。


第三、 創新








President’s Inauguration Speech

The 13th Presdient-Prof. Chen Mei-Hua


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages.

Standing behind this podium, which quite matches my tiny figure, I understand clearly I have to fulfill your expectation for a university president with a vision from high.Wenzao is not great in seize, but its glory and heritage truly make me feel big in my mission, and not surprisingly, I’ve already felt big in my headache now.

Right in front of you is not the main focus of today’s ceremony but only a representation of Wenzao University. You have come here for the reasons that this is our alma mater, that this is a university fully dedicated to education over the years, and that this is a place where excellent students are nurtured for our society. Like you, I welcome this brand new day for Wenzao, suppressing my nervousness.

Please allow me to modify the words of US President Donald Trump in his inauguration speech, “This is your day: This is your celebration, And this, [Wenzao, is your school], …So I invite everyone of you, to tremble with me so I won’t feel nervous in delivering my speech, and I also invite you to trumpet with me for Wenzao, that we are launching a new page. On this special occasion, I would like to share my feelings and my thoughts on Wenzao’s mission.

First, I am grateful for having been born in a Catholic family. My parents offered such precious opportunities for me to study in Catholic schools ever since my childhood that the influence lasts till today. Although I may have lost my path sometimes, I still keep my faith. Although I may act recklessly, I still adhere to justice. Although I may find myself limited in capability, I am still able to regain my strength to continue.

Second, I would like to thank the Ursuline sisters, my teachers, classmates and colleagues. I am very fortunate that most of my years have been spent on the Wenzao campus with you all. The sisters and the faculty are my guardian angels, while my colleagues and the alumni, around 30,000 in number, are my strongest allies. I know in the depth of my heart you will roll up your sleeves to assist me in my work, but I also anticipate your supervising me with a whip of sincerity. If I succeed, it will be a success of joint efforts, but if I fail, I must say, it could only be my personal responsibility. Whatever the case, during my four years of office, I will have the comfort of knowing every Wenzaorian is on my side in my every move.

Also I appreciate the chance of having been inspired by Ursuline education, so that I have been able to follow the steps of St. Angela to cultivate the young people on campus. Blessed by the acquaintance with the Christian Service Community, which demonstrates efficient management, solid ties and mutual support to reach the sacred goals, I am able to act more prudently and live humbly in Christ in my search for the Lord.

Taking over the heavy load of the presidency, I will do all that is possible “to love the Lord” as instructed by St. Angela. To my understanding, I am only a vessel and a tool, because only the Lord is our ultimate goal. Therefore, when the time has come for me to lead our faculty and students, I devoutly pray to the Lord to grant my team and me the blessings of wisdom, vision, courage, perseverance, prudence, integrity, peace and health.

Here I make my promise that I will never disappoint you in my work as I will follow St. Angela’s teachings, and with the Lord’s grace, there will be thriving results. In the next four years, our team will continue on the foundation of our former presidents by both “inheriting and advancing” the development to realize the motto “we do ordinary things extraordinarily well”; namely, we vow to be “unreserved in dedication and peerless in excellence.” In our four-year strategic planning, we propose accomplishments through “integrating, regenerating, and innovating” as our substantial approach.

I. Integrating

Ever since I came to Wenzao, I have experienced different stages as a student, a teacher, an administrator, and currently as the President. These stages not only have constituted the major part of my life but also have been woven into the developmental history of Wenzao University. We must integrate the essential features of these stages in order to take hold of our core values and directions.

The role of Wenzao is clearly defined; we are and have been an international Catholic university of foreign languages for over 50 years. In our consistent development either from a junior college to a full university or from foreign language expertise to cross-disciplinary approaches, we have confronted fierce competition in student enrollment with the booming number of Taiwan’s universities, as well as challenges to switch from academic professionalism to fit into industrial tracks, or from IT to AI. Struggling with the drastic changes in the environment, we may no longer be able to stay passive or remain superficial in dealing with problems. If possible, I expect to work hand in hand with every college and every department, with every staff member in the administration, every faculty member and student, and with every alumnus and partner to forge Wenzao into a leading university in Asia for language application and teacher training, by providing a learning and service mode that integrates foreign language instruction, humanities and social care, IT application, community service, with features on international collaboration and mobility. We aim at a more responsible attitude to devote ourselves to our nation and our city by cultivating bilingual teachers in foreign language teaching, and talents in cross-cultural communication and management and cultural industry. In this way, we will be able to integrate Wenzao’s future with its roots.

II. Regenerating

Is a 50-year-old human being regarded as old? In our Chinese expression, education is a career of a minimum of a hundred years. By this standard, Wenzao is still brimming with youthfulness. More importantly, Wenzao should never lose its zest for life and vitality. What I have in mind is to raise the awareness that we are still young and that we have no right to remain in a state of inertia. When the bugle calls, we should be the pioneers, charging forward instead of lagging behind like the feeble or the senile.

Please allow me to remind you of Wenzao’s 3 Ls: Life, Language, and Leadership, adopted from the core values of Ursuline education. The first L is “life” referring to life education. We accompany students and care for their wellbeing in their physical, emotional and spiritual growth. The second L means “language” with which we nurture the cultural depth of students in western and eastern traditions and make them the interface for cross-cultural communication. Above all, the final L for “leadership” is modeled after “Serviam” of Ursuline education, a conviction in which we firmly believe, namely, to cultivate true leaders through service. Therefore, I invite provoking thoughts from every faculty member and student here. What changes can be made to the teaching materials that we have used over the past 50 years? What alternatives can be created out of and cross over the field of education, which we have indulged in for half of our life? Are we able to move out of the ivory tower to seek more links with local communities, international businesses, NGOs and organizations for the less privileged? These practices not only vitalize our modes of teaching and service in the perspectives of curriculum, internship, and employment but also consolidate feasible approaches to fulfill Wenzao’s university social responsibilities.

III. Innovating

Dating back to the early days of a women’s college, to a junior college of foreign languages, to a four-year college, and finally to a full university, Wenzao has actually spent 50 years in its growth. The next 50 years will be the stage of a new Wenzao, whose starting point is the current university status. In other words, its mission no longer aims at growth but achievements.

Nevertheless, growth is one of the achievements. Yet, what lies across in our front is not the structural change from junior college to university but developing solutions to collaborate with other universities, to meet the demands of technological trends, to inspire with a vision and empower the digital generations in their performances, and to form brand new bonds with local communities.

Take for example Wenzao’s greatest glory, our alumni. They are our most treasured assets. For years, they have cared about and supported their alma mater, performing all possible functional roles that most people expect. However, they can go beyond their current contribution. As we all know, every nation is endeavoring to promote international exchange in culture, economy, and talents through language teaching in order to strengthen national development. Examples include the Goethe-Institute of Germany, ERASMUS of the European Union, and the Confucius Institute of China. In light of this, the future Wenzao Alumni Association will be the best international platform for such exchanges. Through the global network of Wenzao alumni we will be able to establish an outstanding Wenzao alumni academy of international lectures
following the heritage of Wenzao’s spirit. Not only will it offer opportunities to Wenzao faculty and students for learning, for further studies, and for internship but it will also link the strengths of alumni around the world and integrate professionalism in various fields to create a platform for international exchange and cooperation for our nation and our city. This is exactly the new mission of a new stage. To sum up, this should be the dialogue between former Wenzao and New Wenzao.

Finally, on behalf of my team, I would like to extend my gratitude to our guests, Wenzao’s Board of Trustees, Ursuline sisters, faculty and staff, students, alumni, my friends and family. Your presence and support offer me the greatest confidence. To end my talk, I am going to borrow the words of Mayor Ko of Taipei City in his inauguration speech. “Now what’s left to us is to work hard!”

Thank you all. I love Wenzao and I wish you a happy Chinese New Year.

